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The model describes the business processes required to satisfy a customer s demands.
Scor modell beispiel. The ability to respond to external influences the ability to respond to marketplace changes to gain or maintain competitive advantage. Moreover it ena bles the assessment of the own company sc performance and locate areas with performance improvement potentials. Supply chain academy 31 506 views.
Es stellt die zusammenarbeit zwischen einem hersteller und seinen kunden und lieferanten sowie zu unterlieferanten und kunden des kunden her. Examples include cycle time metrics. Scor agility metrics include flexibility and adaptability.
23 the scor model en ables complex scm processes to be visualized and analyzed. Vorteile im e commerce der digitale boom der 1990er jahre vernetzte nicht nur nationale und internationale branchen und beschleunigte durch einheitliche internetprotokolle wie html https und tcp ip kommunikation und kooperation entlang der lieferkette. The speed at which a supply chain provides products to the customer.
Provide a balanced horizontal cross process 1 process and vertical hierarchi process element cal view process element designed to be 2 re configurable task task 3 used to represent many. A process reference model differs from classic process decomposition models scor is a process reference model that provides a language for communicating among supply chain partners process decomposition models are developed to address one specific configuration of process elementslevel contains. The purpose of scor purpose is to devise improved business process models for the sc that could be implemented across a variety of industries and could be supported by a set of agreed metrics and best practices.
Das scor modell zeigt welche handlungsfelder und aufgabenbereiche im supply chain management betrachtet werden können. Mit dem scor modell legen sie fest wo ihre supply chain projekte ansetzen. For free lecture on scor and for more lectures on supply chain and logistics management visit.
Beispiel erklärvideo supply chain simulation einfach erklärt duration.